Friday, October 2, 2009

A Look at September

As I sat down to write this post I was feeling a little bummed. I really didn't get any writing done this month, and since that's part of the purpose of having this blog, I didn't really want to write up my "month in review" post! Then I stopped and thought about it. I dealt with about two weeks straight of migraines because of the paint fumes around my apartment. On top of that I had to move in with my parents temporarily. So, basically, life was pretty disrupted this month. Last time I had this many migraines back to back I completely dropped out of the blogging world. but this time I still managed to get 26 posts up! I've decided, based on that, I'm happy with the month :) now lets hope I can get more writing done in October!

Personal Stuff:

My Writings:

Book Reviews:

TV Reviews:


joeyandaleethea said...

This is awesome. You are a blogging NINJA!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! All this and creating too? You're making me look bad ;)

Memories for Life said...

Hey...Wonder Woman called and says you're making her look bad...LOL :)

With everything you've had going on and you still got 26 posts (and that's just on one of your 3 blogs!) YOU ROCK :)

Hope Oct. is a better/healthier month for you :)

Anonymous said...

I must agree with all of them ^^^


Anitra Cameron said...

Good grief. And you think you didn't get enough done?! Oh, I am laughing.