Saturday, May 2, 2009


My superheropower is the ability to hurt myself in new and entertaining (for others at least) ways. My latest isn't really that entertaining...but it is unusual. The result? I have a sprained shoulder, I'm wearing a sling, and I'm drugged up! Loverly combination huh? You would think with all that I would have at least some sort of story right? A nasty fall, or a wrestling accident, or something!

The reality falls far short of my imagination. I stretched...and sprained my shoulder. Yup, that's it! Just one of those "I'm sleepy" arms stretched over the head type thing. No clue how THAT resulted in pulled muscles! 

Ok, I actually have some idea. Apparently one of the many side-effects  of the steroids I'm on for my asthma can sometimes be damage to the ligaments and muscles. Oh well, I'll get through it. Doc says I should be good by the end of the week. 

The frustrating part (aside from the pain) is that I have to type with just my left hand. For someone who types about 170 wpm...and loves to write...its torture! I also can't make jewelry :(

I plan to attempt to continue to visit entrecard blogs and publish in my blogs, but how succesful I am will depend on my pain levels and how drugged up I feel. Usually the woozy/dreamy/stoned side-effecs start to wear off after a day or two of taking them. Um yes, in answer too your question, I HAVE been on pain killers and muscle relaxers WAY to many times!


BeadedTail said...

Sorry to hear this Ruthie. It is certainly the old saying "if it isn't one thing it's another" isn't it? Hopefully you feel better sooner than the doc expect so you can get back to making jewelry and typing lightening fast!

Izzy Daniels said...

I know this has nothing to do with ur post but I am answering you question. The CMF link can be found off my web page, just use IzzyDaniels as your ref (thats me :)

as for triond, just head over to and set up an account. When you link the stroies just use the 1st paragraph and put a "coninue reading" link. it won't make you alot, but u will get a few extra pennies that you won't get off ur blog lol.

Hope that helped,

storybeader said...

take care of yourself and don't type anything you'll regret! Being drugged up and in pain sounds like a good time to watch movies!

TiLT said...

Um...well, maybe it's time to just lay back & enjoy the drugs :P
or at least map out what you'll do when you have all your limbs again :)

Becky said...

That IS unbelievable! I'm so sorry you're in pain, and can't type or make jewelry, you poor thing!You'll just have to come and visit the etsybloggers, hopefully we'll take your mind of it for a while! Feel better soon sweetie! :D

A Keeper's Jackpot said...

That sucks. Hope you heal fast

sundcarrie said...

Take it easy for a few days. Don't worry about all of us bloggers. Get the rest you deserve. I think I have the same superheropower you have!
Does it always seem to happen when you are getting things in order???

Memories for Life said...

Hope you're back to good soon! Sorry you can't bead...bummer!

Paisley The Jackabee said...

You poor dear! I hope it heals up quickly.

Anonymous said...

(((Sweets))), I hope you are getting all of this done in one year and all the best will be smooth sailing!

Homemade chicken soup wishes to you too my dear...

Splendid Little Stars said...

Oh, Ruthie, so sorry. Here's to a speedy recovery...