Monday, August 31, 2009

Gods in Alabama by Joshylin Jackson

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I ordered "Gods in Alabama" by Joshylin Jackson after receiving a free copy of her book "The Girl Who Stopped Swimming." Her writing isn't my typical genre of reading, but I also enjoy drama, and her writing style entertains me! So I'm branching out.

The book opens with, "There are Gods in Alabama: Jack Daniel's, high school quarterbacks, trucks, big tits, and also Jesus." This line launches us into a book that explores many topics, including how we idolize many different things in our lives. Arlene Fleet grew up in Alabama, so she knows all about the things worshiped down there, and she's vowed to never go back.

Just why she's made this vow (along with promising to never lie or fornicate) is a story that is fascinating. Jackson uses flash backs and the story slowly unravels over time as Arlene is forced to break her promise, and go back to Alabama. She doesn't go alone though, no, she brings along her black fiance, something that stirs up even more trouble in her crazy family!

I found the way this story unfolded to be fascinating. Jackson switches back and forth between the past and present, dropping hints and pieces along the way, and you start to piece together the whole picture. You never really understand everything until the end though, and I think that's the beauty of her writing.

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