Thursday, December 31, 2009

Peter's Home!!!

I can hardly tell you how exciting it is to have my brother home again! In many ways he's the same, and in other ways he's different. Take the above picture, he learned to play guitar while he was gone! We had fun listening to him this morning.

Last night we went and met him at the air port. The family, and two of his best friends were there. Then, one of his other best friends met us at the house. It was great! We heard lots of stories last night, and then I went back over there for awhile this morning for breakfast. We're headed back over there in a little bit for our "Christmas dinner." We postponed it until he was home.

His accent has changed! Still has a bit of a country twang too it, but there are definite differences. And he slips into Nepalese a lot - which is entertaining! He's taught us a few words. I don't know how to spell any of them so I won't try, but I learned the words for "what can you do?" "good morning" "hello/good-bye" in the traditional Christian manner, older brother, younger brother, and older sister! You know me - I love stuff like that!


Meri Greenleaf said...

Yay for seeing your brother!

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your time together!

Memories for Life said...

I am so happy for you to have your brother home!!! Enjoy your time together :)

BeadedTail said...

It's so wonderful your brother is home after so long! Hope he's staying awhile! Have a great weekend!

Joy said...

How awesome! I'm sure you guys are having such a great time!

Anonymous said...

Knowing how you feel about family, and how close you are with them, I know that you are feeling the glory!

Anitra Cameron said...

So happy for you! A nice way to start my day, smiling for you and your family. =oD

Anonymous said...

Yay for learning new languages! That's one of my favorites. You'll have to pass some words on to me! :D

Splendid Little Stars said...

so happy for you! What a great photo! wishing you lots of fun and joy while he is home!