I did amazingly well writing-wise this last week considering I spent most of the week either in doctors offices or flat on my back from migraines! Part of that was that there were several times that I could think clearly as long as I was lying down, so I took my hubbies net book, laid down on the couch, propped it up on my knees, and did a wee bit of writing :P So here's the summary for the week:
Week's Total:
Book Reviews: 6
Tv Review: In progress
Letter's Home 4: In progress
Total Words: 2907
The TV Review is my thoughts and memories about Star Trek Voyager: Season 1. I'm re-watching it right now and I started my review before I finished it because I had thoughts running through my head that I didn't want to lose! I'm actually not sure I'll add much more, but I want to finish the season out and make sure of that before I post it.
My latest Letter's Home from Illia to her Mum actually should be finished, only I deleted the file on accident. Oops >_> So it's been written once, which will make writing it again much easier, but I have to do that before I can put it up on the blog! Maybe I'll get that done today. We'll see.
Speaking of Illia, the avatar at the top is what I use for my character in the D&D game (we play on-line). She's a half-elf/half-human bard. I love the character I've put together for her!
I'm hoping this week will go better than last week so I can get something done other than writing, but I also have a lot of writing simmering in my brain that I want to get to as well! Lots of books to review still, stories, TV stuff, movies... We'll see what I have for you this next week :)
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